Developing Story

Developing story is a narrative either true or imaginary. It is a work of imagination. 

Tips for Report Writing:
  1. Read the given beginning or end line and visualize the story accordingly.
  2. Give a suitable and interesting title.
  3. Develop the story stepwise like- Introduction- Action- Conclusion.
  4. Describe more creatively - logically and connect the events.
  5. It should be short and well organized.
  6. Use the given beginning or end line as it is in the story.
1. Narrate an experience in about 80-100 words beginning with the following words:
I was quite excited. It was first time travel with friends. Finally the day of departure arrived and we began our journey…..

Fun filled Duty 
         I was quite excited. It was first time to travel with friends. Finally the day of departure arrived and we began our journey to the Great Himalayas. The snow clad peaks and the joy of being just with friends without the controlling eyes and instructions of parents was beckoning us. How excited we all were! The plan for this students special trip was fixed in December with permission of parents. Of course, after our SSC exam. Now we were in the train after a lot of excited planning. 
         The train took off and our journey of freedom and joy began. We started chatting, eating and playing. Little did we realize that our extreme noise must be casing distress to someone. It was almost midnight when an old man come to us and said, Could you please lower your noise? My wife is not feeling well and she needs to sleep?’ We were ashamed. We expressed our regret and assured him to be quiet. 
       Next morning, one of us went to the compartment and asked the old man about any help we could do. The old couple  was travelling to their son’s place where they would be taken care of.  We all decided to help him. It was a long journey. We all did whatever we could to make both of them comfortable. When it was time to depart, we helped them to unload the luggage and carried it till they met their son on the platform. 
       That was one time, I suppose the first time we realized that true joy can be experienced sometimes by being selfless. Though some of our plans for the train journey could not be fulfilled but we enjoyed it.

2. Narrate your experience in about 80-100 words given the following ending:
…………... And this is how I found out that a friend in need is really a friend indeed.
I found my best friend
         We have shifted to Dombivli this June. I was new to the school. It was everything new to me. Yet I was not familiar to all. One day, after school I was going back to home. It was raining so I hired an auto. When I had crossed the next lane of school, I noticed a boy from my class was waiting at the bus stop and he had no umbrella. So I stopped the auto and asked him to get in. He was hesitant but I insisted. After exchanging a few words, we come to know about each other. His name was Sanjay and he was staying near my building only. 
         The next day I reached school early. Sanjay was in class. I had not completed my Maths assignment. I asked him to help me. He eagerly came and helped me to solve the sums. He was a brilliant student of Maths and he had explained concepts with great clarity. Slowly our friendship grew. Today, Sanjay is my best friend. And this is how I found out that a friend in need is really a friend indeed.

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