View - Counter View

View is to agree on a given topic or point. Counter view is to disagree with that same point.

Tips for View – Counter view Writing:
  1. Give a suitable and short statement right at the beginning.
  2. · Write the answer in paragraph form, not point wise.
  3. · Express your opinion argumentative and firmly. (like a Speech)
  4. · Analyze the pros and cons of the problem separately under views and counterviews.
  5. · Understand the problem (topic)
  6. · Conclude and prove your point.
1. Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the counter - view section on the following topic in about 120 words. 

View - section: Whats App is a harmful app.
· Wastage of time and energy.
· Adverse effect on the routine life.
· Harmful to the studies of students.
· Creates mental stress and strain.
· It is addictive.

Whats App is a useful app.
         Whats App has become an important form of social media. It is the most popular messenger. With this app we can chat with our family members, friends and to our colleagues, we can share the pictures, videos, the voice messages and can send messages to any part of the world without any charge, so it is not the wastage of time and energy. Indeed, it saves our valuable time, money and energy.  It is very useful for us in business, education and in the field of communication. We can do shopping, completion of urgent tasks through this valuable app. It is very helpful in the time of natural disasters.    We can also send compliments to maintain good relations, invitation on special occasions, canvassing moral values through proverbs, saying, etc. If it is used properly with limited time then it plays a very important role in our life without resulting in stress and strain. It is not addictive, addiction occurs due to our mismanagement of using it.

2. Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the counter - view section on the following topic in about 120 words.

View - section: Misuses of mobile phones.
• Mobile Phone Addiction
• Constantly Distracting
• Study loss Due to High Usage
• Mobile Phone Wastage of Time
• If You Lose Your Phone, You Lose Your Life

Uses of Mobile phones
The mobile phone is one of the greatest inventions made by man in 20th century.        It is no longer a portable telephone, it is a mini-computer, a camera, and an organizer. We cannot imagine our life without the mobile phone. It can be used as a source of information. It is the best source of communication nowadays. We can watch movies, songs and playing games on it. It can store a lot of data. Through the internet on their mobile phones, one can easily access different kinds of educational websites. We can capture memorable moment through mobile phones anywhere and share it with friends and relatives. Mobile phone is also a digital personal assistant like set alarms, reminders and make an all-day schedule. Through mobile phone, one can access his bank’s accounts, check his account status, transfer money to other accounts. Paying bills through mobile phone is an easy task. Of course, we have to use mobile phones in a limit and keep in mind the bad effects of using a mobile phones.

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