Information Transfer

Information Transfer is a need-based processing of information.

Tips to transfer Non-verbal to Verbal
  1. Give a suitable title
  2. Give a brief description of all the details expressed in the presentation.
  3. Describe every point given in the graphical presentation
  4. Make us of appropriate vocabulary.
Tips to transfer Verbal to Non-verbal
  1. Find out the key concept and give a related heading. 
  2. Understand the sub concept/topic & present accordingly.
  3. Each and every point should be in included.
  4. Represent the data with the correct form of presentation to be understood at a glance.
  5. Write in points only. (avoid sentences)

1. Read the following information and complete the tree diagram.
Poetry is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic expressions of language. There are many different genres of poetry. A lyric is comparatively short, non-narrative poem in which a single speaker presents a state of mind or an emotional state. Subcategories of the lyric are: elegy, ode, sonnet and dramatic monologue. Narrative poetry gives a verbal representation, in verse, of a sequence of connected events; it propels characters through a plot. Different types of narrative poetry are epic, mock epic and ballad. The purpose of a didactic poem is primarily to teach something. This can take the form of very specific instructions. Satirical poetry can be a powerful vehicle for satire. Dramatic poetry is dram written in verse to be spoken or sung and appears in varying, sometimes related forms in many cultures. Speculative poetry, also known as fantastic poetry (of which weird or macabre poetry is a major sub-classification), is a poetic genre which deals thematically with subjects which are ‘beyond reality’.

2. Read the following information and complete the web diagram.
For most people success means financial gain. If one is able to afford the luxuries of life, on considers that as success. However, for some, success means achieving fame and position in one’s field. To others it is acquiring some sort of status in society. A few people believe that if they can create employment opportunities for others, then they have achieved success. Very few people aim to become role models for others by being successful in their chosen fields.

3. Read the following information and transfer it to a pie-chart.
Tech India, a reputed company in the IT sector, conducted an in-house survey to figure out the count of the senior and junior employees. The survey accessed the records of the past 5 years. This was done to find out he level of consistency vis-à-vis the inflow and outflow of the employees for a certain period of time and fine out the reason behind the outflow. This survey could help the management to plan and formulate the policies to maintain the staff and work towards providing a better work culture. Browsing the records of the past 5 years, it was found that out of 10,000 employees, 1,000 employees were working since the previous 4-5 years; 2,800 employees were working since the last 3-4 years and the rest of the 2,400 employees were working for the past 1-2 years. It was noticed that 3,800 employees had recently joined the company and were about to complete a year in the next few months or days. This data was shared with the management so that they could take the necessary steps to retain the new entrants.

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