Speech Writing:

Speech Writing

Speech is a talk delivered in public at formal or informal occasions.

Tips for Speech Writing:
  1. Give a suitable title.
  2. Greet the audience in the beginning.
  3. Make your speech short and crisp.
  4. Use given points as guidelines and add relevant if any.
  5. Use a conversational tone (Direct Speech) using short & simple sentences.
  6. Give anecdotes, quotations, and examples as relief.
  7. Use present tense.
  8. Conclude the speech with a powerful and impressive conclusion.
  9.  Thank the audience for listening to you.
1. Prepare a speech to be delivered on the occasion of ‘Teachers Day’ celebration in your school. Use the following points:
Ø Express gratitude towards teachers
Ø Teachers are nation builders
Ø Teacher- the backbone of nation
Ø appreciate and honour teachers

Teacher’s Day 
Respected Principal, my esteemed teachers and dear friends,
      I am very happy to address you on the occasion of ‘Teachers Day’. Today on behalf of the entire student community, I wish all our Teachers ‘A Happy Teacher’s Day’. We express our gratitude towards our teachers who guided us to become knowledgeable person. Truly they deserve to be acclaimed every single day of our lives for it is because of them that we are – what we are today.
     Teachers are also our parents. They care of us. They are nation builders. They are the creators of scientists, mathematicians, artists, builders, scholars, lawyers, teachers, etc.  They teach us not only to be a good learner but also to be responsible citizen. They are always sincere, responsible, committed, and patient. Teachers are the backbone of nation. So dear friends, we should not forget that we need to appreciate and honour teachers not just for today only, but the all times and in every possible way.
            Dear Teachers, we love you all! 

2. Prepare a speech to be delivered on the importance of Blood Donation in your school. Use the following points:
Ø The mother of all donations
Ø Gives life to another
Ø Misunderstandings about bold donation

Blood Donation: Saves lives
   Honourable Chief Guest, Principal, teachers and dear friends, today I am sharing my views about the importance of Blood Donation.
            Friends, we have one life let us make our one life more meaningful by donating blood. Blood donation is the mother of all donations. Blood donation directly gives life to another human being. It not only saves an individual’s life but also the entire family of that individual. A person can donate blood thrice in a year. The donated blood will be thoroughly checked and stored up in a secured form in the blood bank. 
           Many people have misunderstandings about blood donation. They feel that by donating blood they will fall sick. But it is not like that, the donated blood will be automatically regenerated by our body itself within four to five hours after donating the blood. A person will be prohibited from donating blood those whose are suffering from skin diseases, diabetics and incurable diseases as well as drug addicted or alcoholic person.
       So friends, let us put our hands together and make a promise to donate blood at least once in a year.
            I would conclude my speech by saying that we have only one life, so live it to the best and make others best, too. 
Thank you.

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